Monday 28 March 2011


A list of the pranks we could potentially use within the production of the guide we are planning on making....

The banana split: 
Slicing an unopened banana with a needle and thread, so that once opened it unexpectedly falls to pieces. 

Rude awakening:
Hiding a series of alarm clocks around someone's bedroom, rigging them to sound at inconvenient times in the night.

A weighty issue:
Challenging a person to 'balance' two full glasses on the back of their hands whilst placed on a table, then retreat, leaving them helpless.

Faux Gateaux:
Cover a cardboard box with icing and your standard cake decorations and leave for someone to cut into, only for them to find it's simply a cardboard box.

Polystyrene Falls:
Seal someone's door with cling film prior to filling with as many polystyrene balls as you can find. Once opened, that person's room will then be covered in polystyrene balls.

Money doesn't grow on pavements:
Stick a pound coin to the ground in a busy area using super glue, and then watch and laugh as various opportunistic passer-byers struggle to remove it from the floor.

A kick in the bum:
Write something on a small piece of paper, add double sided sticky tape to the other side and then place on a chair. The next person who sits there will leave with it attached to their bum. Humiliating. 

Dope on a rope:
Create an 'invisible' rope with two pairs of hands. Cross over a path or road and use acting skills to pretend their is a rope in the way.

Water water everywhere and every drop to drink:
Whilst the prankee is sleeping, fill the floor or their room with full polystyrene cups of water. Then they can either get drenched or drink their way out. 

The penny drops:
Covering the edge of a penny with charcoal/ink and then challenging someone to roll the coin from forehead to nose in the straightest line possible. Pure lol's......

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