Wednesday 15 December 2010


a potential iPhone app that could be created. Would enable the phone's GPS feature to direct users towards areas of potential exploration. Users could also pinpoint other cool places.


map layout.

our map guide design. matt had initially designed this, and created a suitable map, the colour scheme had to be altered in order to match the poster design we chose to be placed on the reverse of the guide. The poster allows the guide to be used for its initial purpose but also for aesthetic reasons afterwards, on a bedroom wall or something.

click to enlarge.

poster design.

a few poster designs (click to enlarge) to make people aware of a possible event to promote the guide we are creating. would help to gain a following as such.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

logo design. png image...

I thought it would be nicer to see the original digitised versions on here, for obvious reasons.....

logo design....

Max and myself spent a while drawing up a few ideas for a logo design, or simply just a bit of type manipulation to achieve a certain effect.

the linking of the the two words somewhat gives the impression of a map, a subtle hint towards the urban theme of our project.

we decided on this:

keep it simple and stuff. depending on the final colour scheme of the guide it would be black or white.

What If design sheets.

ideas and potential resolutions drawn up for further exploration.

What If group project...

research and stuff.

a couple of questionnaires designed to help us gain some hope that our project is a worthwhile cause. generally asking questions about existing tourist attractions and why these are or are not worth visiting. Marty and Sam then went on to make a few graphs....:

average amount of information estimated to be taken in at well-known tourist attractions. it is clear to see that as young students looking for something cheap and alternative to do, well-known attractions do not engage or excite.

reasons for low percentage of info taken in.

our primary research carried out clearly suggests the need for some kind of alternative activity for students to engage in. this validates our reasoning for producing an alternative sort of tourist guide.

Monday 6 December 2010

What If Rationale

Group members:
Max, Sam, Marty, Matt, Michael

How to direct students to interesting/creative/cool areas in Leeds, unseen by the majority.

Photographs of obscure locations clearly reveal that there is more to Leeds than your average tourist information guide.

We aim to:
Highlight these areas and explore the possible ways of directing students towards these.

Research Seminar - Fred

A session to help us understand the process of researching better.


extend knowledge by:
carrying out experiments
talking to people
finding facts.

Primary Research:
Generating research specifically for the problem in hand. Previously uncollected, unpublished information collected for the sole purpose of understanding the problem better.

Secondary Research:
Information previously generated by someone else. Was intended for a different purpose but can be re-addressed for the needs of the brief in question.

Quantitative Research:
Provable data. Statistics, facts and figures, surveys. Largely numerical research, cannot be disproved.

Qualitative Research:
Non-numerical data - opinions, beliefs, ideas, interviews, observations, etc. Valid but arguable and by no means provable.

5 Decisions made with this in mind for our own brief.

Problem - tourist attractions are too expensive for students
Evidence - around 70% of students believe that a lot of tourist attractions are overpriced
Solution - Highlight areas of Leeds students can explore for free
Why - Students need some kind of very cheap activity
How - By creating a map directing students to cool, explorable areas.

OUGD102 What If brief

Studio Brief 

Brief Title
What if...

The Brief

What if a group of graphic design students get together, and decide to solve a problem?

Based on your common interests, research and knowledge, you must establish a “problem” that affects some sector of the general public in Leeds.

You must develop logical, original and adventurous research lines of enquiry in order to justify the relevance of the “problem “ which should inform a range of solutions.

The solution(s) must be resolved, designed and presented in the public domain and recorded appropriately.

This is a collaborative process so you must ensure as part of this you discuss, agree and share all responsibilities.

The research process should be gradual and provide the foundation for ideas and challenges, which eventually will inform the solution. It isn’t possible to conclude the brief and then fill in the research gaps afterwards.

This is effectively a live brief so please be considerate, respectful and legal in your activities.


Compelling fact based evidence should be presented to prove that the problem you are address is a genuine problem.

A photographic record of the solution to the problem as presented in the public domain. 

Appropriate supporting work, worksheet, notebooks etc…

Studio Brief Deadline

Concept Presentation
Friday 3rd December 1.30pm

Final Crit
Friday 10th December 10.00am

Thursday 2 December 2010

Vis.Lang photography session.

generally a session to mess around and get to grips with using SLR's, and also making use of artificial lighting to create some cool stuff. Matey who ran the session was a decent guy and all, explained stuff well which I was happy about becuase I've not really known all that much about photography before.

Our two chosen objects.

adding a green gel to the light. its pretty cool how easy it is to make such a bright object lose its intensity simply by only allowing a certain colour to hit the object.

adding a second light into the equation, from a different direction. the objects almost stop possessing their own colour and start taking on the colours of the lights. where the red light is absent the green becomes more intense and vice versa.

new objects, with yellow and blue light. in some ways this seems more effective than the first objects, as the presence of the lights is only apparent in the shadows. magic.

same again with purple and green. it's strange how the paper seems to stay white despite there being two colours shone upon it. or perhaps it is green and purple but it's difficult to spot as the shadows are more intense.

a couple of other cool bits and pieces just to finish it off.