Monday 6 December 2010

Research Seminar - Fred

A session to help us understand the process of researching better.


extend knowledge by:
carrying out experiments
talking to people
finding facts.

Primary Research:
Generating research specifically for the problem in hand. Previously uncollected, unpublished information collected for the sole purpose of understanding the problem better.

Secondary Research:
Information previously generated by someone else. Was intended for a different purpose but can be re-addressed for the needs of the brief in question.

Quantitative Research:
Provable data. Statistics, facts and figures, surveys. Largely numerical research, cannot be disproved.

Qualitative Research:
Non-numerical data - opinions, beliefs, ideas, interviews, observations, etc. Valid but arguable and by no means provable.

5 Decisions made with this in mind for our own brief.

Problem - tourist attractions are too expensive for students
Evidence - around 70% of students believe that a lot of tourist attractions are overpriced
Solution - Highlight areas of Leeds students can explore for free
Why - Students need some kind of very cheap activity
How - By creating a map directing students to cool, explorable areas.

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