Thursday 2 December 2010

Vis.Lang photography session.

generally a session to mess around and get to grips with using SLR's, and also making use of artificial lighting to create some cool stuff. Matey who ran the session was a decent guy and all, explained stuff well which I was happy about becuase I've not really known all that much about photography before.

Our two chosen objects.

adding a green gel to the light. its pretty cool how easy it is to make such a bright object lose its intensity simply by only allowing a certain colour to hit the object.

adding a second light into the equation, from a different direction. the objects almost stop possessing their own colour and start taking on the colours of the lights. where the red light is absent the green becomes more intense and vice versa.

new objects, with yellow and blue light. in some ways this seems more effective than the first objects, as the presence of the lights is only apparent in the shadows. magic.

same again with purple and green. it's strange how the paper seems to stay white despite there being two colours shone upon it. or perhaps it is green and purple but it's difficult to spot as the shadows are more intense.

a couple of other cool bits and pieces just to finish it off. 

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