Thursday 6 January 2011

Collection 100 research proposal

Before christmas we were set the challenge to create some lists of items/people/places/subjects/stuff that could potentially be used as the basis for my research. This was actually easier said than done, to write down all these things that I like. I mean, I know I like them, and I do actually like them, but when someone asks you, 'what/who do you like', it actually becomes quite difficult to give an answer. Here's my lists anyway:

standard click to enlarge

i chose 'dextrose tablets' for a number of silly reasons, but after a bit of a think i decided to focus on 'medicine' as a whole field as opposed to just one specific type of tablet. Why? Because as a subject, it's fascinating, and there are a lot of long words which are pretty cool when written down. I like long words.

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