Thursday 27 September 2012

10 Briefs - rough outlines.

A brief overview of the ten briefs that will soon be written out properly;

01; 'Exhibit A' Magazines - a collaboration with a friend from outside of college (artist/photographer) documenting local and sometimes international graffiti scenes

02; 03; two branding briefs for businesses started by two other friends of mine

04; Fishing magazine - collaboration with Eddie Cooper to design a fresh aesthetic for a previously existing fishing magazine

05; Airline Branding - collaboration with James Flanagan to propose some large-scale identity work

06; Hand-drawn type - a skills brief where I will adopt a theme and create a small portfolio of hand-drawn pieces simply to improve my skills

07; Record Label proposal - a brief where I will develop an aesthetic and hopefully some kind of business plan for a potential record label

08; Old Jazz record label design - a research-driven brief of some kind

09; Sign-Painting - collaboration with Mitchell Weaver to propose a potential business plan to begin doing sign painting for various establishments

10; Personal Typeface design - to tie in with self-promotion as well as personal projects.

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