Monday 8 October 2012

'Proper Bait' Fishing magazine


A content-driven investigation into publication design with a focus on print process and layout skills.

A collaboration with Eddie, aiming to develop a fresh, alternative aesthetic for a fishing magazine. This will allow us to spend a significant amount of time improving our type and layout skills, building on various workshops last year. It will also allow us to make some investigations into print processes to create a magazine with some kind of additional value, contrasting to existing fishing magzines which all retain a fairly similar, basic aesthetic style.


- Magazine samples making use of a range of print processes
- Layout designs + specifications
- Logo design + visual aesthetics
- Packaging ideas
- Potential designs for digital material (basic ideas)


- Local Magazine distributors
- Fishing Community Events
- Online Promotion

'Exhibit A' Magazine


A research and content-driven investigation into publication design with a focus on photography and layout skills.

A collaboration with a friend of mine from my home town, looking into local art/graffiti scenes; currently he runs a tumblr named 'Exhibit A' which he uses as a platform for his photographs. After numerous discussions in the summer we decided it would be a good idea to push this forward into some kind of physical publication, documenting various happenings and hopefully making this available to sell at some point in the near future. This type of publication quite often comes at quite a price, so by reducing printing costs we should be able to produce an affordable, well-designed magazine.


- Proposal for a range of magazines
- Cover designs + visual aesthetics (logos etc.)
- Layout prototypes
- Investigations into affordable and sustainable print processes.


- Various specialised art shops (C&B, Artofficial, The Bench 504 for example)
- Related blogs and websites, social media groups etc.

Sign Painting Business


A skills-driven investigation into the art of sign-painting with a focus on hand-drawn type and business strategies.

A collaboration with Mitchell, an idea rooted in our mutual interests in such aspects of design such as hand-drawn lettering design, sign-painting, general open-air activities, painting etc. This will allow us to explore a wide variety of different media on a range of scales, and potentially open a gateway towards being able to do some commercial sign-painting work on a part-time sort of basis. As of yet this is quite an open-ended sort of brief, acting as a starting point as such - the general direction and development of the work will be defined by the results of working together i.e. beginning to understand the potential contexts of finished pieces.


- Various large-scale design lettering/image designs
- Potential live work
- Self-branding
- Investigations into various materials and media

4th Brief - Undecided


This brief will be decided once the ISTD/various other competition briefs have been released.

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