Wednesday 17 October 2012

Exhibit A initial mindmapping

Spent a bit of time having a think about potential products for this brief. Due to the nature of the project, i.e. what is essentially to become a documentation of graffiti arts and stuff like that, it seems wise to perhaps not stray too far from the obvious core products that would stem from this brief. Of course it is a nice idea to have a wide range of products and logos applied to every possible relatable object I can think of, but in reality there would be a lack of reasoning behind this if I were to fully take into account the audience, which in this case would be quite a limited number of people who are potentially only really interested in what is inside the publication.

I suppose I've not really explained myself very clearly here - this is a heavily content-driven project, and  in this case the content is the photographs themselves, and this is what the audience would be interested in - the visual identity side of things merely becomes a nice touch on the cover of a good series of photographs - to begin thinking about applying this to anything more than say T-shirts for example would almost be pointless.

I may be wrong however.

For the time being, I will research into various possibilities for the visual identity and aesthetic style, and begin developing some logo ideas. All your favourites.

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