Monday 22 October 2012

The Idea.....: Modular Typefaces > logo

Basically whilst doing some of the sketches from earlier, I came up with the idea of making a Modular Logo as such....

This is based on the idea of Modular Typefaces, which is explained using this video:

Hopefully this explains it fairly well.

SO the idea is to create a similar sort of thing (a logo, not a whole typeface), which can develop as a building project moves forward.

Essentially, at the beginning of a project, i.e. when a contract is drawn up, the contract will have a basic, shell of a logo at the top.

As the project moves along, receipts and the final bill and guarantee etc, the logo will develop into a 'finished' logo. There will be a couple of stages along the way...semi-built logos, perhaps with the foundations or something.

I figure this would be quite a nice little touch to go on the top of letterheads and whatnot. I will have to identify the various stages of the building process so I can create logos that match this.

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