Wednesday 17 October 2012

Plan of Action - Exhibit A

Just a quick plan to help me organise myself over the next couple of weeks.


- Collect information regarding audience/context etc
- Look at some related design work, plus take some inspiration from alternative sources, for example other magazines or general day to day life.


- Look into potential product range, and assess what would be possible and effective, and what would be unnecessary - being quite a low-key kind of product, promotional materials will be very thin on the ground, more of a word-of-mouth type of thing - it won't be shouted from the rooftops as such.


- initial design work - sketches (some of this may happen before P/R/D section), initial logo/lettering ideas. Spend a fair while refining ideas before reaching a final product. Final logo should be to some extent alterable and versatile.

Magazine development;

- Combine previous work with content to begin putting together the magazine spreads; at this point it will become apparent whether it will be possible to put together a full magazine at this point in time or simply a proposal for how it will look.

- Finalise Design Work -

- Printing/finishing - having investigated possibilities for cheap and effective printing, on reasonable eco-friendly stocks. More on this in detail later on...

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