Wednesday 12 December 2012

OUGD301 evaluation

OUGD301 Module Self-Evaluation

Michael Mooney

As far as they go, this module has been an interesting one to say the least. In many ways I would go as far to say it was some sort of success, but not for the reasons originally intended at the beginning of the module. Of course on the other hand there were many issues that need resolving in time for the next module/FMP.

At the beginning of the module the task was handed to us to write a number of briefs, several of which we would go on to complete over the forthcoming weeks. I feel that this part of the module was the beginning many issues that would follow – creating many briefs from scratch was a daunting process which left me a little confused as to what I wanted to achieve. Partially however, in general I was unaware of the type of work I wanted/needed to carry out to progress myself as a designer, which is something I slowly came to realise throughout the module, more of which I will talk about later.

The briefs I had originally chosen to undertake largely did not end up being the briefs I would end up presenting at this point in time. To start with, I had decided to do the gardening/building company branding briefs, plus two collaborations with Mitchell and Eddie. Due to practical reasons and a change in both mine and Mitchell's priorities, we had to postpone our sign-painting project until the next possible chance. Mine and Eddie's collaboration also fell through as we could not see eye-to-eye when we initially sat down to begin the brief, although later on in the module we would end up collaborating on a competition brief which ran far more smoothly.

The briefs I ended up completing included the two visual identity projects, plus another collaboration with a local photographer and the competition brief with Eddie. As far as they go I am fairly happy with the outcomes of these, especially as a few of them have the potential to become live pieces of work which would be seen regularly in my hometown. There are certain aspects of each brief that in hindsight I should have spent much more time on, such as the print process side of things, but I think this is where I realised where my true interests lie as a designer – I have come to realise I am a little less interested in the print process than the actual process of designing, and perhaps I am more suited to concept development and design for screen. This aside, I am fairly satisfied with the work as a whole, and I did enjoy developing my visual identity skills, as this is something I have not really touched upon until now.

There were a number of problems encountered throughout this module, a few of which have – as mentioned previously – left me more sure than ever of the type of work I should be doing. To begin with, the process of creating my own briefs from scratch and then structuring these in some kind of detailed plan was something that threw me off from the start, as although I have had similar experiences before it was a struggle the manage a number of briefs simultaneously. This was perhaps the reason it took me a little while to get the ball rolling, alongside the natural tendency to postpone important tasks – though now I have done it once I feel more than ready for this aspect of project management in the next module.

Another issue I encountered along the way was losing the ability to stay focussed on one particular plan or idea, although this potentially applies to anyone attempting to manage multiple briefs. Perhaps this combined with the difficulties of structuring four briefs was one of the main reasons as to why my plans altered a considerable number of times, which left me with less time to actually continue with the design process. On the other hand, perhaps the fact that I was making work that I am not massively interested in continuing with was another factor from which I will have to learn from.

From this module I have identified a few main points I can bear in mind for the future:

  • As of next module I will ensure that when I select a brief (especially if it is one written from scratch) I will dedicate myself to seeing an idea through to the end. I should aim to choose a brief that I am genuinely interested in – I feel that in future this will be geared far more towards screen-based design (animation, web graphics etc) rather than design that relies on continuous experimentation into print processes. If I am not overly interested in the subject matter, I should at least make sure I am fully engaged with the design process and that I enjoy some aspect of this.
  • In the future I will have to start much sooner. Spending as much time as I did trying to plan the overall course of this module ended up being a detriment to the actual design process, and I have found that if I create a much more loose schedule then it gives me more time to get involved and alter the plan accordingly. I also feel this would give me more space to get fully interested in the subject matter, something which I have not realised the importance of until now.
  • I must find someone who I can collaborate with very effectively. The experience I have had with regards to the collaborative brief that unfortunately did not move anywhere was not a good one and did not leave me motivated to create good work, although this is an important lesson learnt. Of course the collaboration depends on both the people and the project, as when Eddie and myself later worked on another brief it went a lot more efficiently and productively. Unfortunately the first attempt at collaborating was another issue that led to a severe loss of time during this module.

Overall in some ways I feel as though I have let myself down slightly with this module. Due to certain factors combined with a lack of organisation on my behalf, I was left with far less time than what I had hoped to make use of. On top of this, I found myself working on projects in an area of graphic design that I do not have a great amount of interest in – though despite this I am happy with the outcomes. Of course if I was to re-do this module there would be an endless number of aspects that I would approach differently, although these are all things I can take into account for next term.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

and the boards for it's nice that


boards (pretty much)

What I think the boards for 3 out of 4 briefs will look like. Obviously got to have a couple more run-throughs to check for spelling mistakes etc.
The boards for the other brief are on their way..

Monday 10 December 2012

basic format

The basic layout style we will be using for the magazines. Kept it pretty simple as to not distract from the showcased work.

Sunday 9 December 2012

final booklet layout

(pretty much) final booklet I will be using for the M.Lynch brief. I have attempted printing it off a number of times although it keeps coming out as a bit of a mess, time is tight now as well so I will use the one copy that came out correctly, despite that it is in black and white. No worries though, I don't think this really needs to be in colour for people to get the idea of what I am trying to do here. Along with a couple of other bits of paper work this basically completes the M.Lynch brief.

I'm pretty happy with it I think, and in the words of a classmate: "I really like how some of the images bleed over to the next page"...cheers James.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

a variety of covers

a few ideas across the range of magazines. We figured as long as we kept the type the same, we could create the covers in any way we wanted, which I think in some ways points it more towards an actual magazine than a zine (which often as a series manage to look all the same), which is good in certain respects as zines often possess quite a cheap, throw-away feel to them. Maybe it's a personal thing also, I'm not that keen on the whole 'zine' look.

Monday 3 December 2012

one more for luck

Stopped looking much like an art student type magazine...might work for Fashion though, I think we are going to do twelve covers that are basically completely different except for the title....

covers exps 2

a few more..slightly different ideas and that

cover exps 1 -

layout ideas on my side of the table, as in Eddie's on the other side of the table doing a few ideas himself as well, and in a short while we will look at what we've done and find some kind of merging point.

magazine range basic idea

The basic idea for the series of magazine-type things...not much of an explanation needed I don't think. I should probably explain that our original idea to just do posters for this brief is well out the window by now, might do a few later on just to expand the range.

Thursday 29 November 2012

images to use....possibly

Print Zzz

series of images I think might be good for the package, will most likely do them all black and white to keep it all fairly consistent as such...Maybe thinking of switching them all to one sort of theme also, i.e. portrait shots or non-portrait ones, as at the moment they are a bit of a mashup of images. But also having a variety would demonstrate more than one skill as a photographer, so I don't know yet.

Also I accidentally exported the PDF as 'smallest file size' so all the images are bad quality at the moment.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

dodgy layouts

Gone a bit edgy central with these ones. Some I think are effective but there are others that need some work....I know that this kind of thing can take a bit of justifying in the grand scheme of design work but I reckon it might just be that little bit more interesting than a bunch of images sat by themselves on white backgrounds.

Maybe I could get a bit arty and suggest that it emphasises the number of images it takes to get that one decent one.

pictures framing pictures

messing around with one spread, making pictures frame other pictures. I quite like pages 13 and 14, might try this sort of thing with a few more

test spreads

few experiments laying out some photographs to be printed in the book. for ML photography. Kind of made some attempt to use the page as something that has quite an impact on the actual photos as such.....sort of. more on that very soon...i've got to figure out the overall format of the publication first

leaflet layout

Full Leaflet

Been putting together a promotion leaflet-type thing which could be distributed within the local area; i.e. supermarkets and libraries and whatnot. Therefore pretty simple, nothing over the top or anything.




Quick compliments slip

nice touch

gardening branding - final aesthetics

Returned to messing about with the T.Batchelor branding brief quickly before moving off to get stuff printed, I feel that this is a much stroneger aesthetic than previously (faint green lines on a white background), which looked in some senses a little weak and does not represent Theo's work ethic perhaps. This image show will be the cover of a promotional leaflet that I am putting together that will contain a small amount of information plus a few images to serve as an extension to the business card etc.

Monday 26 November 2012

Last Minute Decision

Not really quite last minute, but basically as ISTD's 'Books Still?' brief happens to be massively vague and open-ended, and in all honesty I would never get that one started, I've decided to switch it to the 'It's Nice That' D&AD brief. I was thinking about doing the 4seven brief, but that's not one to begin two weeks before deadline.

To make things even more interesting, as Eddie is doing the same brief, we have decided to make it a little competition as such - as in, every day we will make one or two posters each which are related to It's Nice That, and then we will get someone to judge them at the end of the day. Or something like that. I figure if we are as competitive as possible with this then by the end of next week we will have some fantastic posters on our hands.

Almost as if we re-do the brief every single day.

Here is the brief:

Tuesday 13 November 2012

M.Lynch photography brief

As me and Eddie eventually decided to scrap the Proper Bait brief..better late then never I suppose so I have got round to writing another emergency brief for a friend of mine who does a lot of photography at a sort-of professional level. So here it is.....

M.Lynch photography

A collaboration with a friend of mine who involves himself with a lot of photography-based activities. Currently he maintains a tumblr/flickr/facebook/various other social networks etc, but lacks any kind of promotional material or a solid, consistent identity, both of which are almost certainly necessary for any photographer to forward their career. Essentially I will do both of these things; propose an effective identity idea and also create some kind of promotional material most likely in the form of a booklet or something that folds out in interesting ways perhaps.


- Logo,
- Business Card,
- Invoice slip,
- Promotional booklet/flyer
- A slightly personalised typeface (he has shown me some he likes)


- various places where he might want to take photographs or meet people who might need photographs at some point.

He does portrait photography mainly, I have noticed.

another live brief.

Monday 12 November 2012

updated letterhead.

subtle improvements

I reckon I might separate this into layers and use two different stocks to make up the letter and maybe fix them up with garden string as a nice little touch.

type tests.........

Few type tests to sort out something to replace the original type work.....A couple of friends have advised me that the top piece of type on the second image works the best...representing hard-working but with a delicate touch, which is what gardening should be. I've chucked it in at the bottom to give it some kind of context.

perspective lines take 2

I think this is a bit nicer....more subtle....but still obviously a perspective thing.

Perspective lines and stuff

Letterhead with the perspective lines....I quite like it but not sure whether it's too much or maybe even just unnecessary, so I will have to get some feedback for that one.

I don't think it really looks as neat...maybe the perspective needs to be a little more subtle.

further visual development

Attempting to transform the original pattern into something with a little more perspective; to give a better impression of a nice bit or lawn or something like that. I'll test it out with a few different bits and pieces, see how that goes. I've yet to switch up the type as well to make it look less 'heavy-handed'.

Thursday 8 November 2012

visual ideas1

Working on some visuals for the TB gardening identity - ignoring type work for a minute; responding to some of the feedback given to me in the crit, i.e. I should work on the whole lines thing a bit more, perhaps make them look like an aerial view of a patch of grass type thing. I added a bit of perspective then went all out and made that isometric thing you can see above. The whole vector thing looks a bit plain and 'corporate' so I might find a middle ground between this and earlier versions, maybe hand-drawing them or something.

TB letterhead

Done a quick letterhead type thing. I'm aware I've not done a lot of planning for this brief, but I think I prefer to just jump in with something then take a step back and see what's going on.

General feedback from the crit;

The typeface I have used for 'T.Batchelor' has quite a 'heavy-handed' feel to it apparently, because of its fat drop shadows and whatnot. So that will have to be changed.

The diagonal lines are a good touch, as they are reminiscent of freshly cut grass, which is a result. Maybe I could work on this to communicate an aerial view of a field.

Maybe instead of having lines everywhere I could somehow incorporate them into the logo....and then maybe apply it in certain other places.

a few sketches from earlier

8/11/2012 - crit etc, plan of action

Big old crit today....had a good bit of feedback regarding the projects I've been working on.

Yesterday me and Eddie decided to scrap our collaborative brief (Proper Bait), as it wasn't really moving anywhere; so I have pulled up an emergency brief which involves creating some promotional material for a friend of mine named Mikey who does some very nice photography.

This wasn't in my original ten briefs, but it is now in my final 4; so I will have to writ e new brief for that one.

so my general plan of action is as follows;

- Respond to the feedback given to me in the crit (more on that later)

- Produce final Able products and re-print as nicely as possible

- Make amendments to the Gardening identity work

- Write a new brief for M.Lynch photography and begin work on that

- Get full involved with the ISTD brief a.s.a.p., as I have not really touched upon that yet.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

gardening type

A bit of type work for the gardening company brief. Although I have made a few sketches previously, I started messing around with a typeface I came across earlier called Thorne Shaded. Not so sure how to go about this one yet, I will have to carry on with some research to get a good idea of what direction to take.


Pretty basic net for an envelope, basically just trying to keep with the aesthetics of the rest of the material. Once this is complete the range will nearly be ready to be produced, bar a couple of bits and pieces like mugs and van decals...

Saying that, I have yet to print everything out and line it up next to each other to make sure it all works...

Monday 5 November 2012

Business Card Development

Applying the Able Builders aesthetic to some business card ideas. I've kept with the idea of using Arial to complement the logo...I'm fully aware of how this might look like the 'lazy' choice in the eyes of a graphic designer, but as far as Building Company identity work goes I can't imagine many other typefaces that would do the job so well, though i will keep my eyes open for something better maybe.

The last two on the document will be the back and front respectively...of course they will be smaller once printed so the information text looks a bit large at the moment.

Business Card

Thursday 25 October 2012

crit feedback 25/10

Another quick was suggested that the 'modular' idea I had developed for the logo was perhaps a little too subtle I will see what I can do about this in the near future...

crit boards..

A couple of boards I put together for a crit this morning. Turns out this was quite useful in terms of actually seeing how far I have come along with these projects; obviously not as far as I thought I had.

Able Concept Board


Wednesday 24 October 2012

Business documents...

Mocked up a quick receipt type thing; one that could be used for materials charges and all that kind of thing. Now I've got the general aesthetic style down, I can apply it across various pieces of documentation and whatnot.

Bearing in mind the initial plan to use a modular-style logo; this kind of form would be used towards the end of the project process - earlier documents could use a more stripped-back version, to signify a particular stage of the building process.


Brick red -

C - 0
M - 72
Y - 100
K - 4

Sandy Yellow -

C - 0
M - 13
Y - 38
K - 4


C - 0
M - 0
Y - 0
K - 100