Tuesday 13 November 2012

M.Lynch photography brief

As me and Eddie eventually decided to scrap the Proper Bait brief..better late then never I suppose so I have got round to writing another emergency brief for a friend of mine who does a lot of photography at a sort-of professional level. So here it is.....

M.Lynch photography

A collaboration with a friend of mine who involves himself with a lot of photography-based activities. Currently he maintains a tumblr/flickr/facebook/various other social networks etc, but lacks any kind of promotional material or a solid, consistent identity, both of which are almost certainly necessary for any photographer to forward their career. Essentially I will do both of these things; propose an effective identity idea and also create some kind of promotional material most likely in the form of a booklet or something that folds out in interesting ways perhaps.


- Logo,
- Business Card,
- Invoice slip,
- Promotional booklet/flyer
- A slightly personalised typeface (he has shown me some he likes)


- various places where he might want to take photographs or meet people who might need photographs at some point.

He does portrait photography mainly, I have noticed.

another live brief.

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