Thursday 21 April 2011

front cover continuation

A couple of dark murky images I sourced from an NY photography book.....I will reference these asap....I figured I could use them as some kind of backdrop for the front cover. I really enjoy the way they look, it reminds me a bit of the style of photography on Burial's first LP which is grim and holds a sense of tragic realism. This would work quite well for the comic, as the story depicts the similar sense of youthful realism, growing up to realise that the world is in fact a very unfair place and that not a lot works out how it was originally expected. 

Overlaying the drawing onto the photograph and adding some type. Obviously there's plenty of room for improvement but I'm quite liking the general feel of it.

These two shown above take a slightly different approach, I used the textural feel of the second photograph combined with the drawing to create quite a harsh, cold image, still retaining that graphic-novel style. I'd honestly quite like to create a whole comic in this style. I kept the type a little more basic and serious, as for some reason I felt the bubbly comic-type used in the previous images was in fact a little too playful and suits the super-hero themes a lot more. 

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