Saturday 16 April 2011

WH4T 1S 4 L1N3 - plan of action

ESSENTIALLY going on my chosen definition of 'Line' - 'A Connected series of events, actions or developments' - I have near enough decided and created a brief for this project.

Basically when I was younger I read this book called 'That was then, This is now' by S.E. Hinton. Here it is:

Wonderful book. Well sort of anyway. It was alright. Entertained me quite a bit, I've read it three times, which is more than any other book I've read, and it's fairly short and to the point. It's also fairly dark in places as well, it's about two best friends who grow apart in some fairly tragic ways. Anyway, it's got all the credentials to make a wicked comic strip, in my opinion. So this is what I'm going to do.

As usual, I've left things pretty late, and I now have ten days to complete this project. So in this ten days I will do the following:

- develop a drawing style to suit the storyline and characters, a style that can yield rapid results
- condense the chapters into short scripts to allow the story to be told in a fairly short space with the help of images
- attempt to have some kind of finished comic strip-type-thing ready for the deadline.

It's a lot.

I've heard they've made a film out of it too now. I haven't seen it but I might go out of my way to watch it just to make my life a tiny bit easier.

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