Tuesday 26 April 2011

type and grid

 Work from a visual language session some time ago. Essentially we were asked to select a page from a magazine or newspaper, analyse the grid and then re-arrange how we saw fit. Unfortunately I was unable to find the original magazine image, I'm sure it's about so I'll get that in here very soon. The image below shows some layout ideas based around grids and stuff. Grids are actually wicked, more fun than I imagined previously, but then again I had a lot of fun with the grids in maths exercise books when I was younger, perhaps because I couldn't really do the maths that well but I could conjure up neat patterns, I wish I still had those books.

So then after that I chose one of the ideas and drew it up nice and neat. I like the look of centering the main body of text and image, I feel that this gives the elements a little room to breathe rather than cramping it all the way up to the edges like I see in a lot of publications. Perhaps at some point I'll get more to grips with InDesign and try and knock out a proper professional version.  


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