Wednesday 21 September 2011

How good were they convinced?

This morning I delivered my 'What is good' presentation to a group of 5 classmates, where I talked about the Golden Ratio (or Divine Proportion, or more simply, the rule of thirds) and explained where it fits into to nature as well as design. Obviously three minutes is not enough to fully detail group filled in a sheet suggesting some things that could be improved and some other useful ideas:

What else is interesting about their good that hasn't been mentioned?

- How the ratio is used in certain famous buildings and structures
- How it is found in various animals and other natural situations

In there a flaw in the argument? What do you disagree with and why?

- Certain animals do not appear to conform to this ratio (for example the Blob fish...according to Lewis...I'll look this one up)
- Certain pieces of abstract design do not conform but can still appear aesthetically pleasing.

What processes, scenarios, or contexts might improve the potential impact of the concept?

- It would be interesting to collect images of people's faces and find out if they match up to the Golden Ratio, perhaps in our class?

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