Wednesday 28 September 2011

Morning Concept Development, wednesday 28/9

Session with Fred this morning to encourage us to think more laterally when developing concepts. Was quite challenging but I suppose it'll come in handy, I think.

Anyway we had to answer a series of questions (which were on big sheets so I will upload photos at some point) relating to our chosen 'Good', for which mine was The Golden Ratio/Divine Proprtion/Rule of Thirds; eventually leading us to make a list of 9 slightly ambiguous but provocative answers. I've added a some branding/logos, for reasons I'm not sure why, but I've been asked to.

Here were mine:

1/ It works every time. There's no doubting this, something about the golden ratio taps into our minds and subconsciously causes us to like it. Magic.

It's not wrong..

2/ Designers, artists, architects etc. would/do find the Golden Ratio very useful in terms of placement or composition and stuff like that. Particularly those concerned with modernist, clean cut designs, this ratio comes in handy quite a bit.

pure thirds business

3/ There's quite a few people who more than likely wouldn't be interested in using such a ratio becuase their profession probably doesn't demand it. Other than that I can't really think of anyone who wouldn't find it 'good' because it's something that cannot not be 'good'.

as far as I know, you don't need much knowledge of the golden ratio for plumbing, i could be wrong

4/The Golden Ratio, quite simply, is better to use than not to use it. Whatever names it some under, it's usually good to use the rule of thirds in some way, to achieve a balance with whatever you are producing.

no reason not to use it.

5/ A photographer is one to always make use of the rule of thirds, as he or she is one who is always considering composition, and it would be nuts not to take into account the rule of thirds.

Couldn't quite find a brand to account for this one.

6/ If my 'good' was a celebrity, it would be Kate Moss, as she has a 'perfect' face, in the way that it matches up very well to the Golden Ratio.

Kate Moss.

7/ If it were to be a place, it would be the most expensive seats in a stadium, or the VIP section of a cinema.


8/ If it were to be an event, it would probably be the end of the world, people always find some ridiculous patterns to match up to those sort of things.

These lot will probably end the world somehow

9/ Finally, if it were a product, it would have to be the nicest product you've ever set eyes on.


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