Thursday 22 September 2011


Time to move on with this brief....which leaves to the biggest question of the moment;

What do I want to do and how and I going to do it?

Essentially, as a Concept, I would like to demonstrate/explain/help people understand the Divine Proportion visually through a piece of design.

Whether I create something that solely demonstrates the Divine Proportion, or whether I apply it to some kind of product I'm not so sure yet.

Either way it's going to be blatant and unmistakeable that the Divine Proportion is being used in my work.

I've been cruising around quite a lot of web pages, and there really isn't all that much proper design work that effectively demonstrates the Golden Ratio. One of the few pieces I have found is this:


A poster by Antonio Carusone, which is easily one of the best and most effective examples I have seen...simple and to the point. I'd quite like to make some designs similar to this one, maybe just as a starting point, which inform people of the ratio and how it can be used.

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