Monday 5 December 2011

Storyboards - existing kinetic type film

One of the first parts of this brief is to get involved with making story boards. I have begun sketching out my own for the words we have been given, but another task was to take an existing kinetic type video to create a story board out of. I chose this one below, title 'A pale blue dot', which I was quite interested in. The first part of this involved capturing 25 evenly-timed screen shots, as in, the video is 1:20, and I need 25 screen-grabs, so I grabbed one every 3.2 seconds, roughly.

The second set of screen grabs are 25 that I have taken that I feel demonstrate the story more effectively than the first set of evenly timed grabs.

The Pale Blue Dot Typography from Nick Lyons on Vimeo.

As you can see, it is sort of possible to get the general gist of what's going on, however it would be more effective to select crucial moments to screen grab. Here's the 25 that were grabbed at more suitable intervals:

Hopefully from these 25 screen grabs it is clearer to understand how film moves from beginning to end, as well as what it's generally talking about. A lot less frames are used now for the more drawn-out sections of the film, allowing other areas to get some more coverage. 

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