Monday 12 March 2012

Broad Analysis

The 'i' brief set to us has presented us with numerous problems to solve. Recently we have identified a significant number of key problems and factors to get us underway with resolving the brief. To help us do this we felt it would be useful to get all the important details onto a space where we can view them all efficiently, enabling us to pick out the areas to look into further in order to create an effective campaign.

On the left we had a general overview of the situation, the who/what/where/why of the brief; and on the right we had written up some basic initial ideas kind of thing/potential strategies.

Using this we were able to pick out all the key issues and use the piece of paper in the centre to list potential directions to move forward into.

I think the main issue that needs addressing is a lack of harmonization between the digital and print-based formats used by most of today's newspapers. At this point in time they almost stand as two separate entities; potentially disadvantaging the companies selling the product. We feel that the best way  to move forward at this point in time would be to re-think the way in which newspapers are currently sold/circulated/perceived etc, starting amongst the student population of larger institutions and potentially diverging out from there.

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