Tuesday 20 March 2012

Slight change in plan.

The whole time we've sort of slightly been discussing ideas about maybe have a student pull-out-mini-magazine type thing that would feature once a week, potentially on a Friday or Saturday. Yaf recently had a quick chat with one of his housemates, who is a student at Leeds University, who said that he liked the idea of having part of a newspaper that students could pull out and have a read. 

Me and Yaf had a quick discussion this morning to follow this up and think about some general ideas. At a basic level we were thinking that it could be a few page section that would perhaps feature an article from a different institution each week, as well as regular features. 

The individual institutions could decide a topic and nominate a writer, who could then submit an article to print. This would give individual institutions an opportunity to have a national voice and opinion on something, and could help form some kind of integral debate between universities over hot topics and current issues. 

This is the basic idea as such, and will need quite a bit of investigation if it is to be communicated successfully. On the plus side, it gives us the opportunity to mess around with layout design and type-based things, which we like quite a bit. 

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