Monday 26 March 2012

Moving on - towards resolving the brief.

It's been a few days since we've been fully active on this brief, largely due to a CTS deadline that needed meeting. Now that's out the way, we can fully concentrate on getting some decent presentation boards ready to submit to YCN on Friday.

To get things clear, we are continuing with our two main ideas that we have been developing;

- weekly pull-out student newspaper section
- newspaper vending machines, placed at various locations around university campuses

As we have a fairly clear idea of how the newspaper vending machines will look, we are mainly focussing on developing the pull-out section of the newspaper.

I've been messing around with a few sketches and put together a few layouts that are intended to aesthetically look similar to the rest of the newspaper whilst clearly being a section in its own right.

With regards to colour, we looked at the existing colour schemes used by the newspaper and selected a colour that we feel would enable the student section to appear as a section in its own right whilst not being too ostentatious (if that's the right word).

Here's how they are shaping up:

Obviously at this point in time it is only a framework, placeholder text etc; but we will try and fill as many gaps as possible in order to make it as professional-looking as it can be in the time we have.

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