Monday 30 April 2012

Initial Thoughts

I am in quite a confusing place with regards to potential briefs to work with for the Product/Range/Distribution....tied between two potential starting points.

On the one hand there is the Chicago Fringe Festival brief.....which is less of a brief and more of a art competition kind of thing. This allows massive scope for expanding the brief and developing a whole range of solutions for something that could be a little more interesting than your average design brief...There is potential to incorporate a many aspects of design into it for example  publication/wayfinding/promotion/branding a brief it could encompass so many things to keep me busy....

The only downside being that I have never been to Chicago and know very little about it, which would make life a bit difficult for me...this could be overcome by in depth research or finding a similar festival closer to home which I could more easily access information to i.e. Edinburgh Fringe Festival....which I have been to once before, allowing significant advantages.

On the other hand there is the Little White Lies brief, which would involve initially designing magazine covers but could also be greatly expanded in order to produce a range of products. I suppose this would enable me to get more involved with other aspects of design that I am currently less experienced in, such as photography and illustrative type for example. This would also provide me with a lot to keep me busy but could potentially wind up being 'just another' brief/range of products as such, which is not what I want to achieve.

So in effect, it would make more sense for me to select the Chicago Fringe Festival task and manipulate it/expand it to provide me with an exciting and challenging brief.

I will have to investigate the festival alongside other festivals to determine how I will continue from here; whether to apply it to Chicago's Fringe Festival or select another, more accessible and researchable one.

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