Wednesday 9 May 2012

further logo development

hello welcome back

been continuing messing around with the whole hand drawn thing...playing with drop shadows and a bit of colour...this logo is slightly different to the earlier ones, I did another sketch but a bit more neatly, scanned and vectored it and all that. Then I ironed out all the creases that get formed by a silly number of anchor points appearing when they don't need to appear...obviously I'm no expert at using Illustrator just yet.

I also did a couple of how it could potentially look with the other parts of the logo (i.e. 10th birthday etc.) which instantly made me realise that this style might not be appropriate whatsoever for the kind of looks too inviting and upbeat in a way.

I'll have to see how I could fix it up so it looks more appropriate to the label, or maybe even scrap it altogether.

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