Friday 19 November 2010

mail shot: the final print.

yes, the final one. 

in total 100% honesty I'm not really that happy with it. this is probably for one of these reasons:

the lower half of type on the inside is too spaced out
it still slightly looks like I've been on illustrator to fix it up
I could have taken it a lot further in terms of envelope net/design
I could have done more with my own two hands before scanning it
it's depressing information, i'm not sure i enjoy making stuff like this

therefore, I chose not to empty my bank account in order to print it on some heavy, nice, durable paper. I like trees anyway, so there's another reason why I didn't. 

Instead I printed it off on the standard colour printers, costing 50p. I cut out the two sides, and backed them onto a single piece of card costing 15p. 

Of course we had to produce a set of ten, which I did so:

The other 9 (I did 10 actually by mistake) cost me 2 pence a piece, costing 20p for the lot.
Therefore the whole set (including the one for posting) cost 85 pence, meaning I've saved my money and  done my bit to save a tree somewhere.

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