Wednesday 17 November 2010

mail shot who why what how?

the mail shot requires a mailing list of ten recipients. to determine who I am aiming mine at, it is useful to answer these four questions.


Hospitals, doctor surgeries, clinics. Serious places. Areas that parents and children regularly pass through. Companies with an interest in such overlooked issues. why? companies with a a fair bit of spare income can pour money into attempting to prevent the trafficking of children, and raise awareness of this. What their real intention is of course to paint their own company's name with a 'look at us, we're helping the world' sort of brush, making people take notice and say 'oh, that company's helping the world, i'll probably buy more of their products'. It works for the company, and it works for a few children that would've been trafficked next year.

oh, schools maybe aswell. it's good to get young people involved, as they have a much fresher outlook on the world than older people.


It is a very overlooked issue.


More than 1 million children will become victims of child trafficking this year.



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