Friday 19 November 2010

Mail shot progress.

I wanted to go for the whole cut-and-paste way of doing things, firstly because I like the rugged, hand-made look of some design, but also it meant I could take it home and mess about with it, cause my computer won't stay on for more than half hour sorta thing, nor does it have any decent programmes for creating/editing images.

I printed off templates and text, and used bits of coloured card from the library to come up with some designs.

home workspace. 

printed off some bits of text to play around with. i messed around with a few different sizes, but I kept the font consistent with the poster, I felt that changing this would cause the mail shot to be too detached from the poster. I wanted to put them together as a unit of work - poster + mail shot, clearly related as coming from the same source. 

First proper design. It looks like a child could have made it (with the right resources and some basic intelligence), which is sort of the idea. 

Further experimentation in college. Of course I went on spending money on colour photocopies completely oblivious to the fact that I'd used more than 2 colours (excluding stock), someone reminded me once it was already too late. I did like it though, it was a shame we had to be restricted to only 2 colours plus stock.

Back to two colours. Thinking about it, having pink, black and white keeps the mail shot more consistent with the posters. I'm quite happy with the layout and hand-made styling. 

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