Friday 19 November 2010

mail shot: illustrator experimentation

boom! what a result. scanned in the designs I had made and hooked the up to Illustrator, which I'm still not a fan of really but I can kinda use it a bit now. Anyway after some messing around with some live tracing, a bit of colour here and there and a load more cutting and pasting (digitally this time) I came up with this for a near-enough final design. I added in the website at the bottom plus a sub-question to give the viewer some kind of direction. 
I think the combining of digital and hand-made elements work quite effectively for the message I am trying to convey. I feel pretty good aswell because I haven't let my design become defined and directed by digital mediums.......because to be honest, as far as I can tell, anything made from scratch in Illustrator is always going to look like it was made in Illustrator. Which tires me endlessly I'm just tired of seeing everything looking like it was designed for a school textbook

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