Monday 7 February 2011

Final crit. 4/2/11

Issues raised...

:Colour palette used. Wasn't really sure why this issue was raised...perhaps it was not obvious as to why I chose these particular colours. Generally I felt that they had some sort of connection to the type of drinks shown on the graphs... i.e. yellow for energy, an energetic colour. hot drinks obviously link to red, and soft drinks being cold, would be blue. How this was not obvious I wasn't sure.

:Over crowding. really?

:Irrelevant elements. i.e. the overlapping 100ml in the background. I added this just for a small amount of aesthetic appeal, but perhaps it indeed is slightly too distracting, maybe I could fix this problem by further reducing its opacity or making it smaller or something. Can't be getting rid of it though, for I imagine it would just be too bland as a piece of design if this was the case.

:Amalgamate information. essentially, why did I make it on three, why did I not just make one big piece of design displaying all the data in the same place. To be honest, I don't know why I didn't do this. Maybe I will do this today and see what happens.

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