Monday 14 February 2011

more improvements

getting towards the final product......
i rekon this has solved most of the issues raised in the crits and assessments and whatever. 
typeface has been changed to something a little more unique, and in some ways feels quite appropriate for this poster. Irrelevant elements have been removed, such as the overlapping 100ml thing that I 'ruined' the first one with. The information has been amalgamated and the elements present are given room to breathe, complimentary colours used and all sorts. not that happy with it, but it least it's a more refined resolution, which would work. The original A3-2:1 scale I was going to use (420mmx210mm) is now a bit small to view all the information clearly, so I will scale this up to be printed on A2 I think. A screen print would be nice, but time's running out, so it'll have to be a digital job. 

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