Wednesday 5 October 2011

150 Logos.

150 hand-rendered logos relating to my topic (Golden Ratio/Rule of Thirds).

As time went on and I was drawing more and more logos, and the ideas started to become a little thin on the ice (it was quite late by this point), the ideas were moving too far away from the original concept...I mean by the end of it I had lost sight of this whole Golden Ratio thing and somehow I had changed it to Cold Rats. Which I actually kinda like.

Anyway, I'm quite aware there's not quite 150, but there's certainly enough to be getting on with. It's the most drawing I've done in a long time, and I felt like I had improved significantly from start to finish. Most of them are total rubbish, but there's a few alright ones. The ideas boxed in red are the ten I chose to be assessed by my classmates.

They decided on this one:

which comes from the first set of logos. The three rectangles pretty well represent the concept of the Rule of Thirds I rekon, better than the rest of them!! haha. What I thought was originally a fairly easy concept to get on with is looking to be a little more tricky than expected, but that's just part of the challenge I guess.

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