Sunday 16 October 2011

Logo re-thought

A combination of advice and critiquing and sudden ideas and generally a weekend of solid resting and I've kind of ended up re-doing my logo completely. Not so much ignoring everything that's been told to me before, but just sort of applying it differently. 

Starting off with one of the symbols for the Golden Ratio/Rule of Thirds, and putting it in a circle, to give it some sort of structure and space to sit in. And obviously there needs to be some sort of reference to the idea of the number three and thirds, so I moved it on to look like it does below:

And then a friend advised me that I should space the surrounding circles according to the Golden Ratio (1:1.618) and use that to calculate the distances between them, like so:

I haven't done it exactly just yet, but it would look pretty much like this. I might alter the size of the internal symbol to match up to this ratio as well. 

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