Saturday 29 October 2011

mock up 1

Did a quick mock-up of a magazine/journal cover, just to give me a starting point, as well as to give me some kind of vague idea as to what needs to be included or generally where the whole thing could be headed.

I wouldn't say it was anywhere near good or finished or anything, I simply did it because I was beginning to get stuck with the whole direction thing.

Now I've done this, I've got a clearer idea of where this whole thing could go. At the moment it doesn't even look like you could pinpoint who the target audience might be, which is a major issue. If I want to aim it towards a slightly younger sort of audience (20-30) then I'll need to freshen it up a bit; at the moment it looks like a history textbook or something, which is not ideal. Then again, I would hope that it is going to be a fairly inclusive publication, there's no real point in trying to narrow it down too much.

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