Tuesday 11 October 2011

Vectoring logos

Vectoring up some ideas to get a good idea of how they will look when they are 'proper' as such.

I started off with the ideas that stemmed from the 150 logos task, using the logo that was selected for me by my classmates, very similar to the ones below. I do quite like it (and they must have a little bit aswell) but I thought it would be good to play around with a few other ideas as well. 

I quite like the simplicity of the white on black three corner idea like the first one below; it does in some ways convey the idea of the number three and perhaps even the rule of thirds, but at the moment it's kind of annoyingly simple...I messed around with the white rectangle that falls on top of the black one, which created some fairly cool abstract shapes, but its a shame because the ideas of thirds is kind of getting lost. Or is it....I'm not really sure, but I like it, I'll probably return to it at some point.

I also had a go at doubling up the triangles and creating images like the ones shown below:

Of course that's no longer thirds, it's become sixth's, which isn't too bad but is still diverging away from the main idea a bit much. Then again, I've got a lot of time for this one I made below:

I'm quite enjoying minimalist abstraction and stuff like that at the moment, probably through looking at aisleone.net far too much. I doesn't appear to mean much at the moment, but as far as it goes, to me it seems like quite a nice arrangement of lines...

To take things further I also introduced the actual symbols for the Golden Ratio, as shown below:

And kind of returned to the original idea of three rectangles, split up by this symbol in a circle. I'm quite enjoying it but it would take quite a lot of tweaking to get perfect, the longer parts of the lines start to appear much fatter than the part with the line running down it.

Doesn't quite feel balanced yet..

I quite like this one below:

Yet once again the ideas are kind of diverging a bit far away from the main concept. 

I stripped it back down to this logo shown below, which simply has the Golden Ratio symbol placed in a position that follows the Rule of Thirds in some ways, it's basic and not overly clever, but it does signify the Golden Ratio to some extent.

I'll have to tweak this logo a bit further, or maybe return to work on some other ideas, I'm not too sure yet.

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