Friday 28 October 2011

Moving on

Erm, so after re-defining concepts, a fair amount of research and some group crits, it's about time I sat down and thought about where to go from here, as for a while I have been a bit stuck. 

The group crits reinforced the idea that I should begin heading down the publication design route, which was useful. However, I'm not sure whether I should design a publication that is a solely a product of research in terms of the Golden Ratio, as this may only appeal to a very small number of people, not that this is any reason not to do it. 

Essentially, I get the feeling it would undoubtedly be more effective to leave it slightly open for the time being; i.e. begin thinking about what I could potentially include in the publication, before going ahead and sealing its fate right this minute by narrowing it down too much.

By collecting ideas about what could potentially be included in the publication (which could be almost anything) I will hopefully find it easier to define my target audience, which in turn will allow me to refine the content once more. 

I've been investigating the Seven Stages of Design. I feel I have been collecting a fairly thorough amount of research, have nearly re-defined my Concept properly, and have already ideated some potential solutions - therefore, from this point forward (once I have a concept/rationale set in stone), I will begin using some of my idea generations to begin some proper design work.

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