Wednesday 8 February 2012


The first noticeable problem with my original work was the lack of investigation into the use of colour, something which is of course of great importance in any design process. I initially chose a deep blue (DS 202-1C) and a bright yellow (DS 5-1C) to convey the idea of 'midnight', which developed out of my own personal familiarity of coming up with some of my best ideas very late at night...which of course in turn helped name the typeface.

Anyway, I messed around with a few other colourways - bearing in mind that this project is intended to be printed in duotone format, partially due to its aesthetic appeal as a print process, but also due to the potentially reduced costs resulting from this.

Here they are:

For some reason the colours in this issuu document are not appearing as vivid as they did in the psd files; for example number 1; which is the original colour scheme used; the blue appeared a lot deeper and more night-like. I am still quite enjoying the original colour scheme, though then again I'm quite enjoying the slightly hazy qualities of number 2 and number 8; something that ties in well with the imagery used, which is a reference towards dusty city transport systems where you would perhaps find a typeface like this. I will continue with these three colour schemes and apply them to other media to see which is most effective.

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