Wednesday 8 February 2012

Resubmission - concept

Resubmission work for OUGD201 - Design for Print. 

It was identified that the reason that I did not pass this module was due to my lack of investigation into print processes, which of course meant that there was no evidence for my understanding of these. 

For this module I spent a lot of (too much) time creating a typeface, which should have been the material I could use to investigate print processes. I named the typeface 'Midnight Maths', and would perhaps best be suited to infographics/signage/transport systems and the like. 

So essentially what I was doing, or should have been doing, was designing some sort of promotional material + packaging, which could then be sent to or bought by those potentially interested in that sort of thing. 

Therefore, it seems necessary to investigate print processes that would be suitable for this, on a variety of media such as posters, sample cards, and of course the booklet that I have already created, which displays the typeface, shown below:

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