Wednesday 22 February 2012

Chosen YCN brief

After careful consideration, we decided to opt for the 'i' brief, which involves creating a campaign in an attempt to make the 20p daily paper the most read paper amongst students. Here it is:

For a while we were undecided between this and the 'Fredrigoni' brief. The Fredrigoni brief had a lot of creative potential and would have worked well as a sort of continuation of previous explorations made in the print module at the beginning of the year. There was also the potential to get quite heavily involved with colour management, which appealed to me quite a bit. 

However; we felt that the 'i' brief presented us with quite quite an interesting task; particularly as it is geared towards attracting a student following. This puts us in quite an ideal location to begin tackling the problems presented; we are in a part of the city that is constantly swamped with student types, and obviously a lot of establishments have adapted themselves to cater for the needs of students (a good example being banks, who seem to switch up their adverts to shout out to students as opposed to professionals/families etc). Hence we are in a good position to immediately begin researching and developing ideas.

I think another reason the brief appeals to myself personally is the idea of potentially being able to directly have an impact on the people/places around me. If, by some miracle, we were to succeed and be chosen as the winners of this brief, it would potentially affect many of the people I see every day, as they are the target audience of this brief. 

On top of all this, we felt that this kind of brief suited our skill sets pretty well; it seems like there will be some good opportunities to get involved using type/layout skills, as well as some deep thinking. 

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