Sunday 29 January 2012

CMI Ident tests

Some development videos for the first ident I am making, which is based on the computer screen used with a Fairlight CMI (an old synthesizer). I came to the conclusion that due to there being so many layers to deal with, I'd give this one a go first and then hopefully the others will be a little less heavy. 

CMI ident test 1 from Mike Mooney on Vimeo.

CMI Ident test 2 from Mike Mooney on Vimeo.

CMI Ident test 3 from Mike Mooney on Vimeo.

CMI Ident test 4 from Mike Mooney on Vimeo.

Obviously there is still a fair amount of work to do on this, but I'm happy with how it's going so far. 10 seconds almost feels like not enough time, so it is going to be tricky to fit everything within that timeframe whilst still maintaining an un-cluttered sort of feel.

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