Wednesday 11 January 2012

Top 10 Brief

.......TOP '10' THINGS......


Design & Produce a title sequence and set of 4 promotional idents/stings for a proposed TV programme – ‘TOP 10 BEST/WORST….’ or '10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT....'

Your response should aim to clearly communicate the subject, concept, content and mood of programme in a way that will engage an audience who have chosen to tune in. You should also aim to reflect the brand identity of the channel that - in your opinion -  would run the programme.
Background / Considerations

Title sequences for TV programmes are the most widely viewed examples of Motion Graphics in contemporary visual culture. Their primary function is to present the programme details, set the scene/mood and often establish a brand identity of a programme or series.

The ‘TV ident’ is a tricky thing. You have a 10 second window to deliver your message, concept and/or information. Too much going on and it doesn’t make sense not enough and your audience will loose interest. They often come in sets but have to work on their own. If you get it right they can be the most memorable part of a night infront of the TV. If not people will switch channels.

You will need to choose subject matter that you find interesting but also offers creative potential. You could choose:

Hairstyles, Sci-Fi Classics, Political statements, Religious sects, TV celebrities, Horror movies, Musical Genre’s, Ice cream flavours … the subject matter is up to you.

Your audience will be interested in your chosen subject matter to want to tune in. They will probably already hold their own opinions regarding their own best/worst. It is your task to engage them from the start.

Tone of voice should be appropriate to the content and consider the profile of your audience. You will need to state your audience as part of the development of your resolution.

Mandatory RequirementsDeliverables

All digital files should be submitted in an appropriately designed and packaged dvd format that reflects the content of the work. See additional briefing for details.

1 x Title Sequence (60 seconds)

4 x Promotional Stings (4 x up to10second)

Evidence of contextual research into subject matter, motion graphics and tv idents as well as broader contextual references.

Comprehensive Research & Development work presented posted to your design practice blog. This should include initial research and development, storyboards and test pieces as well as evidence of ongoing evaluation.
Studio DeadlineModule Deadline

Design Direction Workshop Preparation for
TUESDAY - 10th January 2011

TUESDAY 7th FEBRUARY 2011 – 9.30am


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