Wednesday 11 January 2012

Colour/type considerations

Spent a short while considering possible colours and typefaces. The brief states that the finished products must be black and white plus one colour, although I feel that using too much black might be a little heavy compared to white + one colour; so I'll minimise using that, maybe keep it to the occasional effect or something, maybe gradients.

Some colours:

I wanted quite a lively colour, something a little bit loud to suit the word 'collide' whilst not being garishly bright, so I selected the orange in the first column. 

After testing a few typefaces I ended up choosing the last one, 'Liberator'. I feel that it's slightly heavy weight combined with quite a blocky feel would be ideal for animating the word 'Collide', something too circular would perhaps be a bit tricky to start off with. 

Therefore, the overall aesthetic of the animations will look a bit like this:

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