Wednesday 25 May 2011

InDesign - Main Header type work

I started getting into proper nice, swirly type recently, like, nice and calligraphic as such. So I thought it might be cool to hand render a nice bit of type for this InDesign brief. I started out with this font called Edwardian Script ITC, here it is:

mmmmm nice and swirly. I would get a lot more technical when I try and describe this, but as per usual I've left a lot of things to the last minute. So using this font and a bit of my own creativity, I started to develop the header for my article. I'm no genius, and so of course I have little or no idea of how people would like themselves to be perceived, but I felt this kind of type will go a little of the way to showing my impression of Kirsty. 


 Here they are. It's still a bit rough but I can't find a fineliner any smaller than 0.1mm, and my hand just isn't steady enough to get it crisp. I could go about vectoring it, but I'd rather keep that as a last resort, as in my opinion a lot of the qualities are lost. 

Here's a better picture after being scanned in:


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