Wednesday 25 May 2011

Speaking from Experience - final flowchart.

I asked a number of out-of-towners (my mates) if they'd have a look at my blog and see which flowchart they find most appealing. I thought this would give me a better overview of what looks good, I mean I can't exactly predict the future and guess who might be a first year GD student next year. So I thought some of my mates might be the best bet. I got the best response towards the soft yellow one. So here it is:

I still couldn't tell you if I really think it's that visually engaging or not. But I'm more going for a Form Follows Function approach. I'm not trying to be some kind of artist with this. 

What really made me choose this one was that my mate Luke told me he wants one on his wall, and he also put it as his desktop background. He chose this one. And so because of that, I'm going to have to go against the advice given to me in the crit, and rely on the judgment of a 'non-designer'; which at the end of the day is going to be the most effective most of next year's first years will be like I was a year ago - a 'non-designer'. Bang.

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