Tuesday 3 May 2011

Speaking from Experience.......the new brief

The final brief for this year, I think. Will upload a copy of the brief shortly, but in the meantime, here's some information required to get started...

5 Problems experienced this year:

- Money. A problem for most people as always....A total lack of. Dry cereals for breakfast, two sausage rolls for a quid at lunch, and cookin up pasta and ketchup for dinner. Tea with no milk, water with no tea, freeze your reduced 35 pence loaf of bread and make it last a month etc. 

- Getting up in the morning. I've conquered this one in a big way however, wake up at half 7, leave at half 8, get into college for 9, leaving me a convenient half hour to have a fag and a cup of tea. 

- Keeping on top of work. I've not yet conquered this one, but I'm doing better than I did in school, that's for sure. 

- Hangovers. Nothing worse than waking up steaming when you have to be in college for half 9, nahhh I stopped doing that very quickly after freshers week. It's often excusable if everyone else is in the same boat. 

- Cooking. It's true, I can't cook to save my life, apart from the basic stuff. Hence I often end up wasting money on nice food in nice places like Bar Burrito, yes mate.

5 Things I want to make:

- Money. And enough of it, so I can always eat nice food.

- Shockingly effective work. Sometimes I come up with ideas and I think, jesus, that one would work nicely. Trouble is I'm not so good at carrying out these ideas just yet. I'm working on that. 

- Nice posters. There's not a lot nicer than a nice poster. It's the kind of thing that seems like an easy task, but apparently it isn't. Everyone's so opinionated on what makes a nice poster, as well. 

- Valuable work. Work that can earn me some kind of money, something that is desired by someone. Work that means I don't have to work in a supermarket. 

- More money. 

5 Subject I want to work with:

- Life. Other peoples' lives are so very interesting, a friend of mine's boyfriend is an undertaker for example. Very interesting. Another friend of mine is in rehab. Sad, but interesting. 

- Skateboarding, everything about it is just so sick. I can't skate that well myself, but videoing, photographing, deck designing, branding, clothing, everything, is just brilliant. 

- Other subcultural stuff, cause normal stuff just bores me to tears, like literally. I hate Jessie J more than you could imagine. But I love all the stuff that is ever so slightly frowned upon by your average joe. I'd say if I ever had one regret, it would be not doing even more of the stuff that people told me not to do. 

- Physics and stuff. I love physics, space, time, engineering, waves, dark matter, particle physics, LHC's, black holes, electronics, mate you name it, I love it......I just have a fair amount of difficulty with the mathematical side of things......but I love it anyway. 

- Other people. I don't really do this that well at the moment, maybe it's because I haven't found the people I really want to work with yet. 

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