Monday 7 November 2011

And again

Viewed in a lettercase sort of thing. Note the change to the letter N, as it was pointed out that it looked a little bit odd compared with the rest of the typeface. Ive yet to try out some other variations. I cant make it a straight up N as that means it would not be slanted at the correct angle. 

Ive also messed around with the B, M, and W to do a loopy sort of thing. Im not sure if I like it yet, I just thought that they looked a bit plain otherwise. 

Still got a fair bit of work to do, plus a lower case, plus all the other glyphs +-[{':>,.? etc...

Its also been pointed out to me that it looks a little bit (quite a lot) like Tim Wans Blueprint typeface, one he created that was inspired by architectural plans:

Its true, it does look fairly similar, but not quite. Ill have to write up a set of rules/guidelines for how to keep my typeface consistent and personal. 

I also havent used any apostrophes in this blog post, as I have been reading this:

"a Web site “for those who want to remove the apostrophe from the English language, on the basis that it serves only to annoy those who know how it is supposed to be used and to confuse those who dont.”

which actually serves a proper good point for not using apostrophes, as it leads to stuff like this:


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