Wednesday 16 November 2011

Promotional Publication

I am well ready to begin making this promotional publication now...Earlier mind maps and sketches will go to some length to describe how it will shape up. Essentially it's going to be a landscape A5 booklet displaying my typeface and various uses for it...a type specimen as such. I will mock one up relatively quickly to allow me to test a few stocks and colour schemes. Currently I am thinking about using these two colours:

I am hoping these will reflect the idea of Midnight to a certain extent...i.e. the navy blue of dusk and the artificial yellow of street lamps. These are Pantone swatches 5-1 C (yellow) and 202-1 C (dark blue). I'll probably rethink these at some point to try and get some more convincing colours/test out some other schemes.

It seems that at the moment, bearing in mind the amount of time I have left, I'm not really going to have the chance to sit around trying to think up some crazy, next level idea. Actually creating the typeface in itself took the best part of a week, which I didn't expect, but oh well. So essentially from this point forward (i.e. for the publication) I'm going to keep things relatively simple in terms of design, and just ensure whatever I make looks the part with regards to print processes.

So essentially I am looking to just use the book as a 'test area' as such for various ideas, things that can be done with my typeface, how it might look in certain environments, nothing too fancy basically.

Here's a couple of mocked up pages I've made using that colour scheme:

I also tried it with an even darker blue....same swatch 202-1 C but with a bit more black.

I'm getting more and more concerned about the capital letter D in my it genuinely looks like an O, and realistically I've been too scared to confront this situation yet. No one's said anything about it I'm not sure...

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