Saturday 19 November 2011

Booklet designing

Putting together my type specimen thing. Unfortunately, I had not realised how long it would take to make a typeface, as I have not done a proper oen before. We did one first thing last year but that was only one case of letters plus a few extra glyphs, which realistically, was nothing compared to doing the whole lot. and this one isn't even the whole lot, I could take it a few steps further and do accents, a CY version (with all the greek symbols) and Italics, though this would take me at my unexperienced level the best part of a month to make.

So, given this unexpected lack of time, I've had to keep things fairly simple and basic, in order to get something ready to print in time for the project deadline. I've laid out a small booklet combining my typeface with some photographs I took back in summer, and made use of the colour scheme displayed a couple of posts back. Once using the colour scheme for the booklet I received some good feedback from my classmates which was reassuring. For the time being I'm going to keep this layout and styling and progress towards messing about with some print techniques for the deadline. I'm fairly happy with how it is shaping up, and never has to be a 'final' product as such, I can always continue to improve any part of it after the deadline, in my own time.

In my opinion, duotone publications make for some of the freshest looking designs out there, which is why I've gone for this method. I'm also thinking about foil-blocking the yellow part of the front cover, although I don't rekon I've left enough time for me to make it crisp enough, I'll probably give it a go though. I will run a few tests with various stocks very soon, and then put the book together, alongside a few posters that I have yet to make, but they shouldn't take long.

I used a basic 9 column grid, and mostly stuck to this, breaking it in certain places where I felt my eyes would be a better judge of composition.

Front cover:

Following pages:

I would have put the back page up as well, but at the moment it's just a blue rectangle, hardly the most attractive thing.

Also I will upload this in Issuu format asap.

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