Tuesday 8 November 2011


I re-did the upper case of my typeface again today in an attempt to make it a bit more consistent. I also drew up a new grid, instead of using the golden number (161.8 etc mm), I rounded this up to 162mm so that I could get more accurate calculations for the dimensions of the grid. Here it is:

I also added in some central lines for the few glyphs that were not so effective on the original grid. Of course there are certain factors of the grid that mean this kind of thing happens:

As you can see, the diagonal line very slightly misses the intersection of the grid, which was a bit of an issue with my original grid. By rounding the height of the grid up to 162mm, I could get more accurate calculations, minimalising this error. Of course it can never quite be fixed due to an irritatingly long number of decimal places.

Anyway I used this grid to quickly draw up a new version of the uppercase:

I have made an effort to keep the bottom-left corner of the characters 90 degree angles as much as possible, to act as a defining feature of my typeface. Above and below the two central lines are alternative letters, which I may use instead of the letters in the central lines, I'm not sure yet.

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