Tuesday 1 November 2011


Obviously as I am looking at editorial/publishing design for this brief, I have been investigating a few grid systems and magazine layouts. I thought I'd be a bit of a nerd and make my own, so I made one using the Golden Ratio (1.618) to determine the distances between the lines. Here it is:

It's quite a rough version which I will have to vector up at some point soon, I forgot to leave any gutters in between each gap but it might be easy enough just to use it without. Either that or I could add them in once it has been vectored. I'm not sure how well it will work for actually designing layouts yet (particularly in terms of multiple columns or text) but I'll soon find out. 

There's very very faint circles around where the supposed Golden Section is...well at least I think it is. I'm very happy with it anyway. 

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