Sunday 13 November 2011

Using multiple typefaces

The typeface I have created is evidently far more suitable for headers and large pieces of text, as opposed to blocks of smaller text. Therefore, as I am going to write about it in the promotional booklet for this typeface, I will need to find an existing typeface that will look suitable when placed nearby my typeface. 

I've selected a few italic fonts which I felt might look alright (I'm going for the whole embrace diversity thing here, aiming for something that looks very different to my typeface but works well alongside it):

oops, apart fromt the last one (Prestige Elite Std Bold), which only seems to come in Bold. The others are:

Left Column top to bottom:
Brush Script Std Medium
Adobe Calson Pro Regular Italic
Gill Sans Light Italic
Orator Std Slanted

Right Column top to bottom:

Futura Medium Italic
Georgia Italic
Palatino Italic
Prestige Elite Std Bold

I'm quite liking it when combined with Adobe Calson Pro and Georgia....

first with Calson:

And then with Georgia:

I like the combination of a modern, sans-serif geometric typeface with more traditional serif typefaces, at the moment particularly with the Regular Calson. 

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